Robert Carl Crosby was appointed to the Naval Academy from the state of Maine. After graduating from USNA, Rob entered the nuclear power program and experienced various duty assignments in the Submarine Force, including tours aboard the USS Greenling (SSN-614) and the USS George Washington (SSBN-598) in Hawaii. After the leaving the Navy in 1976, Rob worked as a nuclear engineer at the Turkey Point generating station, then as an engineer for EDS Nuclear, writing safety and compliance plans for nuclear power plants around the country. Rob took a position with Maine Yankee in 1982, where he was primarily engaged in QA/QC, safety and compliance. He and his family, happy to be back in their native state, packed their station wagon and took off for day trips and camping expeditions as often as they could. Rob enjoyed the break from the three piece suits, happily trading them for the opportunity to hike the state’s coastline or foothills, sleep in a tent, and dine under the stars.
Rob’s great joy was in following his three daughter’s sports pursuits throughout their school years. He never missed a softball game, soccer match, riding practice or track meet, no matter the distance. His own athletic passion was long distance running. Rob was an enthusiastic member of the Hallowell Hash House Harriers, where he earned the nickname “Pucker-brush” for his uncanny ability to always find and entangle himself in the prickle brushes. He was elected the lead Hare and enjoyed setting trails throughout Maine, and participated in hashes throughout New England.
Rob was diagnosed with melanoma in 1992 and fought it with the same determination and strength he used in any problem situation. He passed away in May of 1993, surrounded by his loved ones. His daughters, all married, live in Maine with their families, including Rob’s seven grandchildren.
Updated: November 01, 2018
Curator: Ed Moore